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First discovered in 2008 the LVDLA in association with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and the Invasive Species Control Coalition of Watermeet (ISCCW) have removed roughly 15,000 Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) plants to date from Lac Vieux Desert. EWM flowers twice yearly but is also capable of spreading through fragmentation. A process in which a broken piece of the plant settles to the floor, takes root and establishes a new plant. Extremely hard to eradicate, Many Waters LLC has been instrumental in our battle. Between Diver Assisted Suction Harvesting (DASH) and hand pulling it's estimated that Many Waters has removed near 3 Tons of EWM from Lac Vieux Desert since 2013. The LVDLA funds efforts to combat this invasive species through grants and donations. For more information on EWM please take a look at the links below.

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